


峇 里 還 有 烏 布 , 它 不 膚 淺 , 它 超 越 了 觀 光 、 「 陽 光 與 海 灘 」 , 豐 厚 皇 族 與 藝 術 文 化 比 菲 律 賓 又 多 了 一 點 風 情 , 住 在 面 對 梯 田 山 谷 、 椰 林 溪 河 的 Villa 私 人 別 墅 、 侍 婢 、 御 廚 、 護 衛 等 隨 從 , 一 一 聽 從 你 差 遺 , 烏 布 , 不 似 南 部 如 Kuta Beach 的 沙 灘 、 陽 光 、 海 洋 、 酒 吧 營 造 出 的 五 光 十 色 的 度 假 風 情 。 烏 布 , 是 「 心 靈 故 鄉 」 , 其 保 留 峇 里 舞 蹈 、 音 樂 、 建 築 的 原 始 傳 統 藝 術 , 加 上 優 美 的 自 然 環 境 , 若 你 覺 得 南 部 面 貌 宛 若 萬 花 筒 , 烏 布 便 可 見 峇 里 島 卸 妝 後 的 原 貌 。 去 一 次 烏 布 , 等 於 去 了 峇 里 島 最 完 整 的 體 驗 。
我們 需要食物、水、空氣、蔽體的衣服,和遮蔽風雨的房子,我們需要生命有意義。
最 重要的,人人都需要愛與被愛。 缺乏愛的給予和付出,生命就會萎縮在陰影下,身心都會出毛病,或未老先衰,英 年早逝。
時代雜誌報導:長期健康研究追蹤結果顯示,單身、鰥寡和失婚者(他們較孤單 ),患病的機率遠比已婚者高。例如25-34歲之寡婦患冠狀動脈疾病的機率,比同年 齡群已婚婦女高五倍。此外,一般而言,離婚者患肺癌或中風的比率比已婚者多兩 倍。
然而人類的愛往往是有條件的,諸如「如果你達到我期望你作到的,或變成我喜歡 的樣子,我就愛你,否則我就不愛你。」
奧斯本博士(Dr.Cecil Oborne)在《瞭解你自己》(The Art of Understanding Yourself.)裡所寫的一位女士說道:「我希望嫁的先生,他是強壯又溫和的,他必須夠強到在我出狀況時,將我帶回到正軌 。但又要夠體貼敏銳地知道,哪些方面我希望自己作主。當我有時情緒失控或發脾 氣,他必須容忍,又夠聰明到瞭解我何時需要大哭一場 ,他只要好好拍拍我,安慰我,卻不要跟我爭執。」
當她的先生專注地聆聽時,她繼續長篇大論描述那些理想品質,最後終於講完了, 她先生有點諷刺地說:「這樣的人以前曾經有過一個,但他們將他釘死在兩個強盜 中間了。」
當然男士也一樣犯了對配偶存有不切實際的期望,和有條件之愛的錯。 無條件的愛,可能嗎?
有條件的愛,嚴格說來不是真正的愛,它只是掌控別人的一種手段,而不論這種掌 控是以高壓手腕,或是暗中玩弄權術,對另一方而言,最終結果都是沒兩樣的。
包約翰(John Powell)在他的著作,《無條件的愛》(Unconditional Love)中解釋說: 「無條件的愛從不要求對方成為一個完全配合你、討好你,或為了與你維繫友好關 係,不惜付出任何代價的人。」
無條件的愛是 唯一能拯救人類免於自我摧毀的能力。
包博士相信,無條件的愛是一場生命的全然委身,一項全心付出的永恆禮物,也是 我們能彼此相愛的唯一道路。
這禮物言簡意賅:「我要將我最好的一切與你分享, 世上也許有別人比你我更好,那都無所謂。重點在於,我選擇將愛給你,你也選擇 愛我,這樣的沃土便是唯一能使愛成長茁壯的地方,我們可以共同努力達到它。」
無條件的愛意思是:「我不能預測自己的反應,或保證自己的長處,但有一件事我 可以確定,我願意盡全力幫助你成長,並使你快樂。我會永遠接納你,永遠愛你。」
We all shall learn from Jesus Christ, the creator and teacher of unconditonal love.
Dear all
Some of you are interested to know what happen to me regarding the 'outfit' issue.
I was planning to discuss it in our fellowship, but i find it very rude not to reply to your enquiry, i would give u an outline now.
The sunday on 9.6, i was late for sunday school, it was raining heavily so i rush out home in my usually casual but not inappropriate dress: t-shirt (ordinary one) + jean skirt (ordinary length) + sandles (because i only wear sandles in the summer, i even wear sandles to office if i dont go to court)
Then i take mini bus from Kennedy Town to Mongkok, change MTR and walk to church. that means i do make an effort (big or not) to come to church. i can easily go back to sleep in this horrible weather.
i was too late for sunday school, therefore i stand at the mini library and read a book waiting for the service to begin
Ms. Liu (a full time staff at my church) walked pass, scan me from head to toe, then say: I wont' dress like that if i were u. i never wear sandles to the street for a distance longer than the store downstairs, this is too.....um....隨便....u dont dress this kind of stuff to church and u better not wear it like that anymore
(end of my story)
Some of u make a suggestion for me to take a photo of myself in my outfit that day for 'judgement' of people. i find it utterly inappropriate to do so for the following reasons:
1) I am sure Jesus wont' disallow me going to church in whatever outfit. this is not the point of christianity as i understand
2) Christian shouldn't be judgmental on non strict black and white stuff
3) I dont need to please anyone or asking for anyone's support (majority or minority view). If i do, why should i turn to christ
4) Different people has different style and standard on outfit. i dont think it's appropriate to set a dress code at church let alone that there is no such dress code now in Woo Chuen. It would be interesting to see them setting one. I rather they set it publicly and require everyone to follow then to critize each one of them in private randomly. What difference does that make us from catholic or Pharisees.
Let me ask you this: do u rather have a bunch of people going to church all in black suit but they dont come with their heart and do all sorts of evil thing outside the church or u dont really care how people dress so long as they come with their heart? I am sure if a girl dressing in the most crazy outfit suddenly decides to go to church after all night fever in disco. u would still welcome her. would you?
I think it's Satan's very smart trick this time because he would do anything to prevent people from going to church and he would do it in a very discreet and sneaky way.
i was very very upset and thinking how stupid and nonsense it is for someone in an official capacity to make such a very non-smart criticism in the most inappripriate way and timing.
it was very easy for me not going church anymore and stop people from going (because i can tell them how conservative, stubborn, inflexible, insensitive, frustrating, not considerate it was). but somehow, after praying, the Lord comfort my heart and tell me to understand and forgive.
So here i am, still in church (and someone might still think in an "inappropriate look")
but truly, Ms. Liu was taking too much of a risk when she make that kind of criticism. if the recipient is not mature enough or not listening to the Lord, then it would be very bad for the church and a total waste of time for those out there (including myself) trying to tell others the good news and persuade people going to church.